Friday, April 22, 2005

Reminiscing a forgotten past

Reminiscing a forgotten past

"De Profundis clamo ad te, Domine”
- Psalm 130:1

How easy it is,
To allow the sands of time
To be washed by…
Washed by the floods of eternity,
And carried forth onto another beach.
In another place and time.

As Agamemnon feasted on Troy,
I awoke:
Senses numbed, no fresher than they were
When the Century began.
Plastic squares onto plastic bowl.
In a Word.
In Silence, I consume,
My bread of death.
My breakfast of champions.

Sitting on the beach,
You said an astounding thing.
I was astounded at least.
What did you say?
I don’t know.
Nevermind. Here come the waves.

That’s an interesting thought.
“Hello, pleased to meet you.”
No, I’ll have none of that.
“My name is…”, with a grin to boot.
Ah, there’s the trick.
I will try that, perhaps.

In Fetid sleep,
I wake in dreams;
Constantly thrashing, yelling –
In silence, I cry out to you.
I awoke once, to a lapping sea,
Upon a shore of finely ground sand
Beneath my body.

Lying there, the sands shifted, and the tides washed in,
Seeing the dark side of the moon as it sucked the waters,
Raising, churning, engulfing.

Still I lay, as the flood of 40 days rushed in,
Coming; Going.
Animals birthed their offspring, died.
Their offspring birthed more, which died too.

And still I lay, covered.
In multitudinous current.

“Friends never last, memories do”.
I remember now.
But you’re not here.
Mere memories, forever lasting,
Which linger
– as a shadow does, in the dim of dusk–
Till the light of memory fades.
And remember I shall,
no more. Posted by Hello


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