Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A Pictorial Of "The Great War" (AKA "World War One" for the Uninitiated)

Grim looks British and German soldiers share a wintry Christmas together in the December of 1914...

Supplication of bloody the Saviour.
From madness, atrocity, and sin...the askance of a saving grace.

During Napoleon's final campaign of 1815 both the 42nd and the 73rd which were to become respectively the 1st and 2nd Battalions of The Black Watch played significant parts. They were first in action together at Quatre Bras on the 16th of June where they were hard pressed by French cavalry.
Mistaking them for allies the 42nd had not the time to form a defensive square and had a tough fight repulsing them. Two days later at the Battle of Waterloo it was the 73rd which was in the thickest of fighting and subject to heavy losses from the French cannon.
The photograph on the right depicts actual soldiers from the Blackwatch charging into battle with their legendary Blackwatch tartan kilts and ferocious "highland fury" ...a fearsome charge on the 100th Anniversary of their fateful Battle of Waterloo.


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