Monday, March 27, 2006

New York, Bali, London..."We deliver. On time. EVERYTIME"

The US, and other coalition troops, have seen the worst problems yet, in the quest to remedy a failing situation in Iraq. Having been sent there for the purposes of 'peace-keeping' and 'restoration' of the stability in Iraq, the latest spate of atrocities committed by US troops against the Iraqis certainly does not score well on their report cards.
With floundering citizen support for the military involvement in the Middle East, the Bush administration should seriously rethink, and retake, its stand about providing more troop insertions into a land which is troubled enough as it is. Controversy of mosque shootings last Sunday, are an indication that the disturbance and unsettlement has reached beyond the physical, into the psychological realm of both soldiers and locals alike.
In desperation to hold a fort which is barely surviving from within, Army recruiters have turned to those who left the army - on medical grounds. And Korea, Vietnam, and most recently, Afghanistan are just some huge black marks on the US's record of how military intervention for an economic agenda just DOES NOT pay (pun fully intended).

Lets see just how LONG this is going to keep up.

Let's see if the US Mountain Brigade (if we're going to start on names here) survives their "Last stand". Custer's Seventh Cavalry didn't survive theirs.


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