Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A blessing. A miracle.

A miracle happened to me today.
The Chemicals and Us test that we had done (or rather, that my classmates had done) before the mid-term break was returned to us all in the lecture period. (I had done mine as a retest, last Friday). Actually, when Prof Simo was handing out the sheets...the first one on the stack was mine.
He just walked over to me, looked me in the eye, and silently handed the test script to me. Looking down at the grade I got, I couldn't believe my eyes.
"93/100" it said.
It just happened so fast.
After handing out the scripts, Prof Simo told the class that model answers would be loaded on IVLE, and that people who had "gotten 70+ scores should relook at their study techniques". And the whole while, I was thinking to myself..."What if I had not taken the restest?" Most certainly I would have been one of those 70+...or worse.
To think that only last week, I had been seriously contemplating the decision to drop this module. Against all advice that it is "one of the easiest modules" in USP, and reviews that have been nothing short of positive, I had actually been thinking of dropping the module because of my constant struggles in Chemistry this semester. (To those who may not know...I'd never done Chem prior to this mod. Unlike 'wiser' USP students, who would almost certainly choose to do things they're good in - simply to score).
I had prayed really really hard the whole semester, asking God to lead me through my academic studies, especially since I am in dire need of improvement in the all-too-elusive CAP.
Today's miracle has reiterated something that has always been head-knowledge to me: One must always, ALWAYS, trust in the Lord; for He will bring us through, no matter the difficulty or consequences.

Thank you Lord.
Good Night.


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