Thursday, January 26, 2006

My First Blood Donation.

Went for my first blood donation today. Was actually supposed to donate along with a bunch of other friends...Dawn, Abdul, Liana included. Abdul said he had to wait for Liana, who was meeting a friend at two...and then three. Then there was poor Dawn, who has wanted so much to donate her blood. She's been really keen on getting anyone to go along with her to donate. Its alright...we'll go anytime Dawn, when you've not eaten malaria pills 3 wks before (Remember Kids, you can't donate blood for 6 wks after popping a malaria pill).
Well...there was a mighty long queue for the donation. Was getting cold feet, and all...and even contemplated sliding off...on the pretext of "going to donate some other day". But just then, a certificate with the title "NO CHICKEN AWARD" with MY name on it was thrust into my face by this youthful looking volunteer.
Well...You've seen what it says. really could not bugger off, lest there was a typhoon/earthquake/tsunami. So I continued sitting there...arm wrapped in blood-pressure-monitor-strap, hand squeezing the 'stress-relief' ball to get my veins exposed...and looking really calm and serene.
TOO serene in fact, that the nurses pretty much forgot about me. Two people came and went, having had their share of life-juice sucked from their bodies. And I still lay there...smiling serenely. *DARN*
Rachel had called, and I was busy conversing with her when the nurse indicated that I had to be shifted to another place, due to 'rashes' on my arm which could pose an infection-risk. I said my farewells and "I Love yous", and hung up to do the business of relocation to a more convenient spot which would put me in a safer, less-infectionable position. turn came, as soon as a nurse realised that I was all hooked up, but had not been stabbed with the blood-draining device. She proceeded to apologise profusely, saying that it has been a really busy day, with no time to even have a proper luncheon, whilst manipulating a syringe containing local anasthesia toward my forearm. I promptly turned away (I do NOT like watching myself get poked). I was poked.
Contrary to what they claim, about "contrary to popular belief, blood donation is painless", it did hurt. Slightly...when the person jabbed me with the small needle for anasthesia. When she started uncovering the huge needle, it is needless to say that I kept my eyes firmly affixed on the wall away from the offending lance. *POKE*
I felt something slide into my arm, and a dull ache followed. isn't painful eh? haha...
That's when the 'haha-bug' hit me. I could NOT stop laughing. From the time they jabbbed me to suck my blood out...I just kept going. (As I've told Abdul, I theorise that it must be due to the release of endorphins...making me happy...and therefore I was laughing like nobody's business).
everyone else was looking pretty grim...and perplexed. They must have been MIGHTY disturbed, to see a guy, holding his 'religion' coursepack in one hand (trying to do readings and marking the important points, to no avail), and blood flowing out thru a tube into a bag from the other arm, laughing away like I'd just struck the first prize on the lottery.
*Actually, I was laughing, because the ache was so ticklish. And also, because I just had to keep my mind of it.*
Well...the bag filled in no time. (THANK GOD.) After removing the needle, the laughter-bugs seemed to all die out, and I was soon placed back into reality. Was told to drink lots of water...and take iron tablets they gave me once a day for two weeks. Then it was off to important stuff like eating dinner for me...
What I've learnt from blood donation is a three-fold lesson:
1) You should always get the nurse to poke your non-writing arm (esp so if you wish to write notes while you're being sucked dry).
2) Laughter IS the best medicine (Especially when everyone is looking nonchalantly blissful, and no one seems to care if you were being "satayed" by a steel pole).
3) Always smile and say hi (It makes the nurses feel better...especially since they've been working so hard to make you feel "no pain", and more importantly, certify that you "NO CHICKEN" [(1) Have no chicken? (2) Eat no chicken during and after the donation? (3) Make no chicken noises? (4) all of the above]

Take care one and all...and Good luck for your current sem ahead!! =P


Blogger kungfubunny said...

aiyoh you're so funny la.

hey my zodiac says, rats this year very sway, and I must make up for it by "donating blood or visiting the dentist" i kid you not. dont ask me why la k, next time you donate blood, gimme a call.

Saturday, January 28, 2006 1:42:00 AM  
Blogger Nian Long said...

hahah..."Confucius go to Donate Blood, Kungfu-Bunnay!".
When was this zodiac published?? Cool man...'donate blood or visit the dentist'. Hmm...wonder which is more amusing? I'll prob be able to laugh more during blood donation.

Saturday, January 28, 2006 11:47:00 PM  

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