Sunday, March 05, 2006

A letter to Bush

Hi ppl. Yes, its been a long time since I last blogged an entry. Why? What with the past few weeks-turned-months of whirlwind-like activities such as Sino-Singapore exchange and catching up with schoolwork, to that of simply training up physically and spiritually during my own time...the moments of one's life just zips past in that proverbial flash. Thought I'd write a letter to Dear Ol' George, after reading a report. Here goes...

Dear President Bush,
Was looking at an article on Yahoo, in a site called "Kevin Sites in the Hot Zone", which gives a journalistic ethnography into the life he leads/led in these war-torn areas in the world. This story truly sickened me, and reminded me of scenes from "Full Metal Jacket", where US Marines were trained to be 'lean-mean killing machines' for the 'noble effort' of "the 'Nam".
To shoot at a CLEARLY injured POW, when he has been TOTALLY disarmed, and is ALREADY lying in a bloody mess, is ABSOLUTELY DISGRACEFUL. Given the circumstances, that soldier in question would have been sent on a one-way ticket to JAG, and hopefully (with justice prevailing), the detention barracks for a long time.
That's in my world.
Now, let's look at what is happening in the REAL WORLD:
Soldiers storm mosques, and fire bullets all over, saying the insurgents are "lurking in one of those spiralled minarets". (Yes, those ones which have the intricate designs and architecture which SOMEHOW, US troops SEEM to have forgotten about). Its not about preserving the culture and lifestyle here. Its blatant US "in-we-go-bargin-in" Imperialism at play. Just read the reactions to the report. Instead of feeling remorse to the report for the atrocities done, the majority of the respondents ACTUALLY condone the acts done by "their boys".
What HAS the US media done to the minds of their citizens? Surely...surely, 'a little' TV did no one harm? BUT WHAT ABOUT CASTING "I-RAK-EES" and all the other "Rag-heads" as bad guys out to blow you up with a 'dirty bomb' anytime,on the streets, in the subway, even in the public toilet?? And what about what I call the "demonization of Islam"? WHAT GIVES??
Hey Bush. Its YOUR call. You screw this one up, You're gonna be sorry for having sparked the next Vietnam off, and making the mess just bigger.

P.S. And IF you're thinking of going into aid Taiwan against China, by playing around with the words "ceasing support" of the National Reunification Council and not "Terminating it" altogether, STOP your English word games. Leave that for the Scrabble game you should be playing. Concentrate on bringing the dead-bodies of your fallen soldiers back, and answering their waiting parents.


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