Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Capitalist Imperialism...what has it driven the world to?

"Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!" - Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto

Admittedly, there are soldiers in Iraq who are serving for the altuistic cause of providing a better life for Iraqis who have been under the oppressive Saddam regime. Some may say, we can't blame the Coalition troops for cracking under pressure. We are only human.

The video above illustrates a sad testimony of the peace-keeping soldiers from the UK/US coalition. In order to quell a riot happening outside a base, the soldiers charge the civilians, and later drag a few in for a beating. If one listens to the film-maker, his tone of voice changes, to gradually reflect relish and inhumane support for the beatings.
Why is this being condoned? Why isn't anyone IMPORTANT saying anything about this?
What were the leaders doing when this was being filmed?
As far as I can tell, the riot-squad returned to base right after the suppression of uprising. But no one actually stopped the violence from happening.

So many questions.

No answers.


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