Friday, May 06, 2005

Just being a good person. Once more.

Once more, I leave myself no room for surprises. "Mr Nice Guy: At his best"... "Mr Nice Guy does it YET again!"
Today, I just let my good side take over me...twice.
The first incidence happened after lunch. Had let the rest of the gang return to the cluster whilst I went along to book the BBQ pit for tomorrow's barbeque. Unfortunately, when I got to the main office, they told me that the pits had all been booked. Well, deciding on using makeshift pits, and going along with our BBQ anyway, I made my way back my block.
Approaching the lift lobby of my block, I caught sight of a girl with 3 large bags surrounding her. No...let me rephrase that. She was surrounded by 3 humongous luggage bags (A suitcase, another LARGER suitcase, and a hand-carry bag...each being twice the size of the poor girl). No one passing by her seemed to care or bother. They probably assumed that she was an exchange student/foreign student going home for the vacatioins (Which is a pretty valid assumption, considering almost every person is moving out of PGP for the hols...maybe except those who have stuff like Special Sem to do - namely ME).
I would have assumed the same (After all, I am only human). Yet, as I neared her, I noticed the lost and helpless expression on her face. Like that of a girl with 3 large bags to move to the main road, in order to catch a flight home. Walking up to her, she let her plight beknown, "Er...hi. Do you know, easier to get to the road, where I can get a cab?" She gave a glance of desperation toward the only flight of steps to the interchange, which seemed to return her gaze menacingly. "Well"...thought I, "let's get this lady's bags on the road. She's never going to make it up alone. Besides, I need a workout desperately." "I'll help you get these. Let's go", was my reply to the lady.
It was only after I had lugged those gargantuan bags up three flights of steps, with her in tow that a question made itself apparent in my mind. It was only after I realised the weight of the bags (almost 60kg? Considering I'd lugged my buddy in Sandhurst around the field before...and he was already the lightest dude at 60 kilos!) that I had been carrying, did the question form in my head.
"How the heck did she make it all the way to my block, with these bags, all alone?". By the time I wanted to turn and ask the question, I had arrived back in my cluster, in Block 15, level 3. And the girl was nowhere in sight.
It still puzzles me.

And then, "Mr Nice Guy Act 2" came after that, in the evening at around 4:30, I made my way out with Julia to help with the set for the musical. Yes, there are those of you who heard I wouldn't want to help with the musical 'sai-gang'. You DID hear correctly. But, but, all have forgotten one important thing. I am not a person who will sit around, watching his friends drag their asses around, till they bleed, whilst working on something that could jolly-well not been theirs. I'm talking about those people who were roped in to do the thankless job of creating a backdrop, a set for the musical (which incidentally will be performed in less than 2 weeks time). There are only three of them. All girls. You don't expect them to be hauling bloody metal scaffoldings around the stage and bolting them together alone, do you? I certainly don't. That's the foremost reason. Don't speculate otherwise.

Maybe, there are those people who are made to be simply 'mortal-mortals'. And maybe, there are those, who are made to be 'angel-mortals'. Like the games we use to play in Junior College..."Angel-Mortal"...where everyone would be assigned a different person to watch over, like a guardian angel, and yet, be watched over by someone else - unknown to ourselves.
Perhaps, we will all have such angels in our lives. They may just turn up in the least expected places, and in the least expected shapes, size and form. Perhaps, I may be an you? Or you to me?
Only time will tell.
Sooner or later.
Time will tell.


Blogger Jenny said...

Maybe the poor girl had a "semi-nice guy" carry 'em that far.

Friday, May 06, 2005 4:51:00 AM  
Blogger Nian Long said...

Yeah, maybe.
Ah...the age-old tussle, between one's inner demons and angels.
Everyone has a Jekyl and Hyde in them. I think Hyde hasn't been allowed out for a long time.

Friday, May 06, 2005 10:31:00 AM  

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