Sunday, May 08, 2005

A feeling of relief...finally.

Many would have felt their relief overwhelm them once their last day of exams were over. Mine ended on Tuesday this week..."Film and Cultural Texts". I didn't feel much relief...not after I forgot every single female characters' name in that 'hit' series, "Sex and the City". Why am I so sore about it? Lets just say...I'm a Bloody Lit major. And I'm supposed to know my texts well...may they be films, plays, novels, or poems. And I just had to forget ALL the characters names. So what did I end up doing? Referred to the ladies as "the one with blonde hair", "the red-headed one", "the one with the husband who leaves his teabags (in more ways than one) all over the house". You get the picture. URGH. Disgusted at myself.
Yeah. So it should be no surprise that my sense of relief comes at a delayed rate. Only just began realising that I'm done with exams. Went to Ikea today, in order to buy a nice bookcase for my room in PGP with Jules. We shared a plate of Swedish meatballs at the little cafeteria there, which I must say REALLY reminds me of an 'authentic' cafeteria. HOW "authentic"? What with the queues, and people moving forward in human caterpillar style, to order their food, and getting them served (although not as horrifically as Army cookhouses in days of yore). And strangely enough, the cafeteria smelt rather pleasing, as if they had released the scent of freshly-made furniture into the surroundings, so that there wouldn't be the over-whelming smell of "stale steaks and sawdust covered restaurants". home only at 11 something...after clearing up a large portion of rubbish in my cupboard and under my bed in PGP. The bookcase has helped lots...I now have my lit texts which once laid claim, for this whole term, to the spot below my head, under the bed - having been translocated to the pristine locale of the top most shelf of my bookcase. (The second shelf is reserved for my "books for reading pleasure", of which I've bought quite a few from last Saturday's Bookfair at the Expo. Good stuff.
Mental note to self: Finish "Fast food nation", "Tuesdays With Morrie"...and any other books which my dear friends have given/bought me, which I guiltily admit, haven't been able to finish, due to the fact that my Lit texts such as those written by Bronte, Dickens, and Tennyson claimed presidence over my mental faculties during the term. Ah well. Bronte...go take a back seat will ya? I'm gonna indulge in some Chuck Palahniuk.


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